Terms of Engagement

Aspen Garden Design

Aspen Garden Design is a trading style of Design Only Gardens Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales with company number 14748137.

Registered office address: 367 Welford Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, LE2 6BJ


Welcome to Aspen Garden Design. These terms and conditions govern your use of our services and website. By engaging our services or accessing our website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms.


Aspen Garden Design provides garden design services, including but not limited to consultation, design planning, and project implementation. Our goal is to create low-maintenance, stress-free garden spaces tailored to the needs of homeowners.

Consultations and Design Planning

  1. Initial Consultation: An initial consultation will be conducted to understand your garden design needs, preferences, and budget. This consultation may be subject to a fee, which will be disclosed prior to scheduling.

  2. Design Payment: Following the initial consultation, we will provide access to a payment portal outlining the cost of our garden design services. Payment of the design proposal is required before any further work is commenced.

  3. Revisions: We offer a limited number of three revisions to our garden designs. Additional revisions may incur additional charges.

Creative Brief

Unless otherwise agreed, the Client accepts the Designer’s decisions on creativity within the product(s) or service(s).


The Designer shall send a payment link to the Client in respect of products or services supplied, or to be supplied, the payment terms for which will be stipulated on the payment portal. These payment terms override any terms and conditions stated in a Purchase Order, and in the event of an order being placed, the Client accepts these terms. The Designer reserves the right to add an accumulative percentage on late payments as dictated under the UK government late payments scheme. Title in the services shall remain with the Designer until full payment has been received unless otherwise stipulated in the Order.


Monies paid by the Client to reserve the service(s) of the Designer will be accepted as a Design Fee. If the Client cancels the order after the commencement of the supply or partial supply of the service(s), the Client will be liable for the costs incurred by the company. Deductions will be made in the event a refund is requested in relation to how much work has been committed to the project (£150.00 per site visit, £500.00 per garden survey, and £75 per hour spent on the design elements of the project as recorded within our design log).


Aspen Garden Design shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or related to our services. Our total liability shall not exceed the amount paid for the services provided.


Unless otherwise stated in the Order, the Designer retains copyright in all their Original Material. Original Material includes garden designs, video animations, printed material (including plans), and any other design work commissioned by the Client in relation to the Order. The Client must ensure that permission is sought for the inclusion of any copyright material they supply to the Designer to enable them to deliver the service(s). The Designer reserves the right to use the material/media, either in sections or in its entirety, for promotional purposes. The Client agrees to indemnify the Designer in the event of any breach of copyright claims being brought against the Designer in respect of material supplied by the Client.

Right of Assignment

The Designer retains the right to assign the supply or partial supply of service(s) to the Client to another suitable Designer to conduct required work.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  1. Client Information: We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. We will not share your information with third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

  2. Confidentiality: Any confidential information shared between the client and Aspen Garden Design during the course of the project will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of completing the project.

Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions and any Designer letter and/or contracts are governed by the laws of England and Wales.